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Sid Note:    This is a copy of Mark Smith's 9/11 images website. For his site GO HERE


After September 11th, I put up the following pages and pictures for family and friends who wanted to know what it was like to be in New York on that day. There were originally twenty pages. I added another eight pages a few weeks later. 

The web being what it is, many other people have viewed them since. My thanks to everyone who emailed me afterward, and my apologies if I was unable to respond personally.

This is a personal site without advertising. Please don't create direct links to the images here.

All images and text copyright © 2001 Mark Smith : not for commercial use


These pictures were taken with a Nikon Coolpix 990 digital camera at a resolution of 1024x768. Some have been passed through a sharpness filter, and a couple have had the brightness increased. Image 20 was cropped and rotated to more-or-less match image 1. No other changes were made.

Some people have remarked on the lack of smoke in image 20. I'm not sure why it isn't visible. The roofline across the street corresponds to a height of a few hundred feet in lower Manhattan; my best guess is that the wind was carrying the smoke northwest and it didn't reach that height until outside the frame of the picture on the right.

My thanks to the many people who have shared their thoughts after viewing these pictures.